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Meet Our New Executive Director

Dear Friends,

I have been a member of the Sharon Art Studio for 16 years. It has always been a sanctuary for me, with teachers who encourage the fullest expression of myself through what I create. It's also a place where I have deep friendships and a true sense of community. Now I have the honor of becoming the Executive Director. In the short time I've been in this role, I've been able to see the studio from a new perspective. This place is truly a community center--and I've never been in a place I've felt more welcome.  I'm thrilled to bring my strength in nonprofit leadership to partner with hundreds of studio members, our talented staff, our board, and the residents of San Francisco who want the Sharon Art Studio to thrive. Together we share in the mission of keeping quality art programs accessible to everyone.  We need art and community more than ever right now. Our capacity to promote artistic development by keeping the prices of our classes affordable is only constrained by the resources we have to do this work. Please join us by making as meaningful a gift as you can this year. On behalf of our board and myself, we promise to use every dollar to the benefit of our shared mission. In Community, Nicki Guard Executive Director

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