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Drawing Studio

Drawing Studio is a space for participants to develop their drawing practice within a group setting. The emphasis is on developing practice, not "how-to" instruction. Everyone draws (including instructor). If you are a former Beginning Drawing student and wish to continue your drawing practice in the Carousel Room, please come and draw! The class will begin with a warm up then go into 20-30 minute drawing sets with 5 minute breaks. Our subjects will be a mix of Still Life and Figure Model. Group discussion of technique, materials, artists, shows, etc. is encouraged, though not during drawing. While drawing, music is played; headphone use is OK. The session wraps with a mini-show to reflect on the work and share feedback. Newsprint and some drawing supplies are available. Participants are expected to bring their normal drawing kit. No materials with fumes (e.g. turpentine), though spray fixative may be used outside. The cost of the class includes a $138 model fee.

Drawing Studio

3 Saturdays, 4/26-5/10, 2:00 PM-5:00 PM

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